A great year…and one to come!

Looking forward to a great 2016!!!!  Funny, I thought that when I got this old I would feel smart and talented and accomplished. Not to be. Although,  I did get to go thru some recordings that I had made as far back as 2002-2006  (PHEW!!!  somebody needed to practice). Yet, I feel better about my playing and my music here in 2015.  I have a studio at the house big enough to record a big band (which we did!).CD cover 2015 I am now playing with a small combo (with a couple of gigs pending) IMG_0991and have started with a small group in a town nearby (west). The Big  Band Contractors have played a number of gigs with and without Douglas Cameron and we have some going forward in 2016!  We have rehearsed with another singing couple. The EJS has 3 gigs coming up to include Valentines day at the Grand Theater.strand 2016 My horn parts that I have recorded for a contractor have made it to the retail public. I have traded my curved Yani Soprano for a Selmer strait Soprano and my Bari sounds great, thanks to a great repair tech! bari  I am now playing episodically at the local assisted living facilities and am really enjoying the practice!!!     So…..thinking about going overseas again maybe???   the opportunities are abundant.

Non musically, Ive got a new trike so I can ride outside when the weather gets nice in addition to my swimming and have over 600+ miles on it since July.


catrike Trike!!

And I have a replacement for my 2005 Tahoe in the form of a full size van!!!

SO…….here is to a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! See you in 2016!!!Santa_and_the_naughty_girls


About sjonesjrmd

Orthopedic Surgeon by training, a Jazz player since the 4th grade, Dr Jones is now retired and playing around north Georgia.
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