Nothing in Feb? How can that be?

Wow. What a busy month. Started on Feb 1 at Channel 11 with Douglas Cameron and several members of the band. We played for a promo for the Feb 12th Concert at the Strand Theater. I put together some arrangements for the small group and I actually got some TV Face time!!!

channel 11 pic

Channel 11 TV

Did a radio spot and interview on  the next day at WYXC for the promotion of the EJS BIG BAND Concert on Sunday Feb 14th Matinee at the Grand Theater. Then a couple of days later another on WBHF.

Played “solo” with the karaoke stuff for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes on Thursday of the same week. Friday, I worked at Career Day for the HS  kids of the county at Ga Highlands College all day. Next day had a HOA meeting in Jasper for our “mountain community” house and then a Birthday party for all the February birthdays in the family.  Sunday, was the rehearsal with the BBC and Douglas and Ashley Rivera   who sang with us on the 12th at the Strand.

Monday was a production meeting for the Grand Theater and Tuesday we had another grandson!!!  ROY CARLTON JONES!  Needless to say, that occupied most of the spare time that we would have had for a while!!! CONGRATS!!!

Meeting with Etowah Share a Song ( on Wednesday nite and made some future plans for gigs and organization.Etowah Share a Song

Thursday, played in Rome with the small group Im part of (some how hooked up with the Georgia Highlands and Sam Balzer) at a church.

Friday nite, the 12th, Played the STRAND in Marietta on the Square and had a blast. Great time and great music!!!!  (   is the link and the PASSWORD is STRAND)  The full DVD is out and available (contact Douglas at


Then we played Sunday Matinee with the EJS at the Grand Theater.

So kind of a whirlwind month.  Coming up we have gigs for EJS on April 16th, 30th and May 21st, and for the DCO, March 30th and others scheduled. We have a video taping for the BBC on April 3rd  at a studio in Atlanta.  Sooooooo, kinda busy. Stay tuned. Life is good!

Douglas Cameron and the DCO BIG BAND at

About sjonesjrmd

Orthopedic Surgeon by training, a Jazz player since the 4th grade, Dr Jones is now retired and playing around north Georgia.
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